Monday 7 January 2013

returning to a past love

Having drifted away from being a regular blogger in a past life where work, housekeeping and netflix did not take up such a huge amount of my time I never really thought I could come back.  My old blog, although a moderate success  grew into something that I was living bits of my life for rather than a place for sharing things I enjoyed, at the time moving on was a no brainer.

I had not really though about blogging again until a few weeks ago.  I was listening to a work colleague speak about his frustration at being one of those people who likes to try new things to the extent that he is passable to good at many things but can never focus or dedicate his time to become truly great at just one.  I really admire his ability to dive into the unknown so was surprised he was so negatively preoccupied with not achieving virtuoso status.  At the time I did not make the link between his experiences and  mine when I was blogging, but over the following weeks I realised that I had once felt very much the same, that instead of sharing my moderate successes I had to polish my life for my blog, not share off subject topics and force creativity or post regularly when I had neither the time or inclination, my blog was intended for friends and family first yet I wasn't even sharing the real me.

I still keep up to date with blogs every day, I love reading and trying new ideas and am constantly inspired by the creativity shared by other bloggers.  Another great friend and blogger has shown me over the last year that you don't have to make the compromises I did in the past, her unique and personal style of blogging and strength to fight for positive attitudes in the blogging community is refreshing.  Don't get me wrong, I love the perfect hair, make-up, food, homes and photography on professional blogs and read them regularly, but I also love the honesty and personality of the others, and that's where this is aimed, not a food blog or a style blog or a home blog or a beauty blog but a 'my life' blog, so I can share my real ideas and achievements, imperfectly (as Steph would say).

KC x

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